Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Dear Opinions

Dear Opinions,

I've been thinking a lot. About us. It's not a secret that we've been struggling. I need to let go of you, and I need you to let go of me. This relationship is just too dysfunctional and twisted to continue any longer. It's eating away at me.

Like some sort of pimp, I offer you up to friends, family and total fucking strangers. I offer you up like a geisha girl. Like a sacrifice to a volcano. I offer you like wine at book club. I offer you like free cheese samples at the damn farmer's market. And what's worse is that no one asked for my free cheese samples, but I force the toothpick into their hands. I don't give them a choice. I don't give you a choice. It's sick, and you deserve better.

And then, as quick as I was to give you away, I'm desperate to know what everyone else has been doing with you. I want to know exactly where you are, who has you, what went down. I can't just mind my own business. I'm like a crazy person.

I think it's best that we end this swiftly and with as little fanfare as possible. 

I'm going to need my key back.


Tuesday, September 29, 2015


We need to break up.

All of us need to break up.

We need to break up with the things that no longer serve us.

Those things might be different for each individual, but what is common is that they represent the BAD SHIT in our lives. 

So that's what this is.  Breaking up with bad shit.

What you'll read here are my break-up letters to the bad shit in my life. I hope that it will make you think and make you laugh and make your remember that we are all far more similar than we are different and that everyone deserves mercy and love.

And the occasional break-up.

Love and light,